I Have Bleeding Gums. What Does that Mean?

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Many people see a little pink in the sink (blood) when they are cleaning their smile and they tend to ignore it. This is a big mistake. If your gums are bleeding, something is wrong. To help you take good care of your gums, Dr. Shelly Montes and our dental team will be happy to explain some of the reasons why they might be bleeding.

The first reason is because you have regularly skipped flossing. If you’ve taken a break from flossing, your gums will be irritated once you pick the task up again. This is normal. The best way to avoid this issue is to floss at least once a day. Your gums need to be cleaned regularly!

The second reason is you’re using a rough toothbrush. If your toothbrush has hard bristles, it is scrubbing your teeth and harming your gums, which can make them bleed. This is why it’s recommended to use a soft-bristled toothbrush unless recommended otherwise by your dentist.

The third reason is you can be a victim of gum disease. Gum disease is a serious and dangerous dental issue that develops when plaque is not removed from your teeth regularly. The first stage of gum disease, which is known as gingivitis, involves symptoms like red, swollen, and bleeding gums as well as bad breath. At this point, it’s vital to visit Montes Periodontics & Implant Dentistry for a dental cleaning and exam.

If you have any questions about bleeding gums in Cumming, Georgia, or if you would like to know more about how to keep your gums in top-notch condition, please call our office at 770-781-3685. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you.